Position papers


Response to ESAs joint consultation on ‘PRIIPs Key Information Documents’

Created: 29 January 2016 FESE welcomes the opportunity to respond to the ESAs joint consultation on ‘PRIIPs Key Information Documents’.…

Response to the EC’s Call for Evidence on EU Regulatory Framework for Financial Services

Created: 29 January 2016 As the operators of Europe’s Regulated Markets, FESE members have come together to elucidate a common…

Response to ESMA on indirect clearing arrangements under EMIR and MiFIR

Created: 22 January 2016 FESE agrees with the overall objective of providing adequate protection to indirect clients, including those indirect…

Response to EC on OTC derivatives, central counterparties and trade repositories

Created: 13 August 2015 FESE urges the European Commission to consider the overall impact that its work on the EMIR…

Response to ESMA on draft regulatory technical standards on the CSD regulation

Created: 15 July 2015 Trading counterparites are best placed to ensure that the buy-in requirements are effectively applied and that…

Response to ESMA on Clearing Obligation under EMIR (no.4)

Created: 15 July 2015 FESE urges ESMA to consider the overall impact that its work on the EMIR Clearing Obligation…
