Position papers


Feedback to FSB on LEI Implementation

Created: 24 September 2018 Following the financial crisis, improvements to the reporting and supervision of financial transactions were necessary and…

Response to the EC’s Regulatory Initiative to Promote SME Growth Markets

Created: 19 September 2018 FESE Members welcome the measures proposed by the European Commission to support small and medium-sized enterprises…

Response to consultation on tick-sizes for third country instruments (amending RTS 11)

Created: 07 September 2018 The ESMA initiative to amend RTS 11 to account for trading activity of third country instruments…

Position on Sustainable Finance Initiatives

Created: 29 August 2018 FESE welcomes and supports the commitment by the European Commission’s as part of the Action Plan…

Input to the EC on its Proposal for a Regulation on European Crowdfunding Service Providers (ECSP) for Business

Created: 10 May 2018 FESE fully supports the Commission’s objective of increasing the harmonisation of crowdfunding activity and reviewing potential…

Response to the ESMA Consultation Paper on draft RTS under the new Prospectus Regulation

Created: 9 March 2018 FESE members believes that, in order to be successful, the review of the Prospectus rules should…
