Position papers


Response to Commission consultation on a European Single Access Point

The European Single Access Point (ESAP) should include information already disclosed by companies listed on Regulated Markets and SME Growth…

Response to the IOSCO Consultation Report on Market Data in the Secondary Equity Markets

FESE welcomes the IOSCO consultation report on market data in the secondary equity markets. We agree with IOSCO that it…

Efficient public capital markets and their core role in driving European economic growth and investment

The economic fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic, aligned with high levels of public debt and a continuing over-dependence on the…

Position on MiFIR Non-discriminatory Access for ETDs

Key issue & request: The “Non-discriminatory” Access provisions under MiFIR constitute a serious risk to the EU financial stability and…

Position on Equity Market Structure & Data

Key issue & request: Fair Competition & Market Structure: MiFID II has permitted the growth of non-transparent venue trading. To…

Response to the Commission consultation on Sustainable Corporate Governance

FESE welcomes the opportunity to provide a response to the Commission consultation on sustainable corporate governance. We fully support the…
